Boone Hall Plantation 

Boone Hall Plantation

Boone Hall Plantation was founded in 1681 by Major John Boone and purchased by the McRae family in 1955. The Plantation is one of America’s oldest working, living plantations. They have been continuously growing and producing crops for three centuries. As you enter Boone Hall, you will travel down the avenue of oaks. The oaks, draped in Spanish moss, are over two centuries old and make one of the most picturesque spots on the plantation. The Georgian designed house was built in 1936, and guided tours of the first-floor showcase what a house would have looked like in the 18th century. Eight original slave cabins are one of the most unique features of the plantation. The cabins have artifacts and audio exhibits that help depict what daily life was like for the slaves on the plantation. In addition to the house tour and the slave cabins, you can also take a 40-minute ride around the property in an open-air coach, and then take a self-guided garden tour that showcases beautiful roses over 100 years old. Allow about 3 hours to view everything on the plantation. There are many special events that take place at Boone Hall each year that affect the normal plantation tour operations. Therefore, always visit Boone Hall's website and check the calendar of events before planning a visit.

Boone Hall Plantation Photos

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Boone Hall Plantation
Boone Hall Plantation
Boone Hall Plantation
Boone Hall Plantation
Boone Hall Plantation
Boone Hall Plantation
Boone Hall Plantation
Boone Hall Plantation

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Boone Hall Plantation
Boone Hall Plantation
Boone Hall Plantation
Boone Hall Plantation
Boone Hall Plantation
Boone Hall Plantation
Boone Hall Plantation
Boone Hall Plantation

Things to do at Boone Hall Plantation

  • House Tours
  • Open-Air Coach tours
  • Black History in America Exhibit
  • Butterfly Pavilion
  • Exploring the Gullah Culture
  • Slave History Presentation
  • Garden Tour

Boone Hall Plantation Hours and Admission

Monday - Saturday 9 am - 5 pm 
Sunday 12 pm - 5 pm 

Boone Hall is also closed for regular tour operations on three other days during the year when special events are being presented. Those events are the Lowcountry Oyster Festival, usually presented the last Sunday in January, The Scottish Games, usually presented the first Saturday in November, and Wine Under The Oaks, usually presented the first Sunday in December.

Adults (13+) $28
Seniors/Military/AAA $25
Child (6-12) $12
Children 5 and under Free

Boone Hall Plantation Address and Map

Boone Hall Plantation
1235 Long Point Rd
Mount Pleasant SC 29464
(843) 884-4371
Boone Hall Plantation Website

Current and Upcoming Events
at Boone Hall Plantation

What: Lowcountry Strawberry Festival
When: Apr. 4 - 13, 2025
Time: 10 am - 7 pm
Where: On the perimeter of Boone Hall (2434 N. Hwy. 17, Mt. Pleasant, S.C. 29464)

Admission: $15

This popular spring festival provides acres and acres of family fun on the farm and will be presented on two big weekends in 2025.

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