Charleston Tea Plantation

Charleston Tea Plantation

The Charleston Tea plantation, originally a 127-acre potato farm, is a living piece of American history. In the 1700’s, the Camellia Sinensis plant first arrived in the United States from China. Over the next 150 years, many unsuccessful attempts were made to propagate this plant and produce tea. In 1888, Dr. Charles Shephard founded the Pinehurst Tea Plantation in Summerville, SC, and for the first time, tea was being grown in the United States.  Dr. Shephard died in 1915, but the tea continued to grow wild for the next 48 years on the Pinehurst Tea Plantation. In 1963, the tea plants were transplanted to the Charleston Tea Plantation.

Today when you visit the Charleston Tea Plantation, you can take a factory tour and learn about the history of tea, take a scenic trolley ride around the 127-acre farm, stroll around the grounds, and visit the gift shop. The Plantation also has a picnic area with tables. Admission is free, but a fee is charged for the trolley ride. Allow about an hour and a half to two hours to tour the plantation, depending on whether you take the 45 minute trolley ride.

Charleston Tea Plantation Photos

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Charleston Tea Plantation
Charleston Tea Plantation
Charleston Tea Plantation
Charleston Tea Plantation
Charleston Tea Plantation
Charleston Tea Plantation
Charleston Tea Plantation
Charleston Tea Plantation

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Charleston Tea Plantation
Charleston Tea Plantation
Charleston Tea Plantation
Charleston Tea Plantation
Charleston Tea Plantation
Charleston Tea Plantation
Charleston Tea Plantation
Charleston Tea Plantation

Charleston Tea Plantation Hours and Admission

Monday - Saturday 10 am - 4 pm
Sunday 12 pm - 4 pm
Closed New Years Day, Easter Sunday,
July 4th, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas
Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve
and New Year's Day.

Admission to the plantation is Free
Trolley Tours:
Adults (13+) $15
Children (4-11) $7.50
Children (3 and under) Free

Charleston Tea Plantation Address and Map

Charleston Tea Plantation
6617 Maybank Hwy
Wadmalaw Island 29487
(843) 559-0383
Charleston Tea Plantation Website

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