Hampton Plantation

Hampton Plantation

Hampton Plantation State Historic Site is tucked away among live oaks and magnolias about an hour from downtown Charleston. Most of the plantation land is no longer in use and has reverted to natural wooded and swampy conditions. The main house, a Georgian-style mansion, was built in 1735. The property was sold in 1757, and the new owner added a two-story ballroom on one side, and a master bedroom suite on the other. The property tells the story of the freed people who made their homes in the Santee Delta region for generations after emancipation. Visitors can explore the mansion, wander the plantation grounds, or look out upon Wambaw Creek at the remains of rice fields that once stretched as far as the eye could see. Admission to the grounds is free, but there is a fee to tour the house.

Hampton Plantation Photos

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Hampton Plantation
Hampton Plantation
Hampton Plantation
Hampton Plantation
Hampton Plantation
Hampton Plantation
Hampton Plantation
Hampton Plantation

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Hampton Plantation
Hampton Plantation
Hampton Plantation
Hampton Plantation
Hampton Plantation
Hampton Plantation
Hampton Plantation
Hampton Plantation

Hampton Plantation Address and Map

Hampton Plantation
1950 Rutledge Rd

McClellanville SC 29458
(843) 546-9361
Hampton Plantation Website

Hampton Plantation Hours and Admission

Ground Hours:  
April - October 9 am - 6 pm
November - March 9 am - 5 pm
Mansion Hours: Guided Tours
Sun., Mon., Tues., Fri., and Sat. 
at 12 pm - 2 pm

Grounds are free
House Admission:
Adults (16+) $10
Child (6-15) $5
Children 5 and under Free

Current and Upcoming Events
at Hampton Plantation

No events currently scheduled. Check back for updates.

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