Lowcountry Jazz Festival 

Lowcountry Jazz Festival 2024

This year, the finest smooth jazz combined with bluesy soul will create a relevant sound that resonates with the region’s discerning music audiences young and old. Charleston, South Carolina played an important role in the early development of jazz. It was a thriving center of African American music in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and was home to many of the first jazz musicians and bands. The city was also a major port, which helped to spread jazz music to other parts of the country and the world. The weekend celebrates these genres in the heart of downtown Charleston, allowing attendees to experience this vibrant cultural city with a fitting soundtrack.

Proceeds from the Festival support the mission of Closing the Gap in Health Care and the Thaddeus John Bell, M.D. Endowment Fund. This scholarship fund was created conjointly with the Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina to assist students who pursue a health science degree and graduate from the Medical University of South Carolina. This will facilitate an increase in the number of African American health providers in the state.

Photos of the Lowcountry Jazz Festival

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Lowcountry Jazz Festival
Lowcountry Jazz Festival
Lowcountry Jazz Festival
Lowcountry Jazz Festival

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Lowcountry Jazz Festival
Lowcountry Jazz Festival
Lowcountry Jazz Festival
Lowcountry Jazz Festival

Lowcountry Jazz Festival
Location and Map

Charleston Gaillard Center
95 Calhoun St
Charleston SC 29401

Lowcountry Jazz Festival

Lowcountry Jazz Festival Date and Time

Date: Aug. 30 - Sept. 1, 2024
Time: 7:30 pm
Admission: Tickets start at $68 - Purchase online

Lowcountry Jazz Festival Artists

Friday, August 30

All White Party
Art Sherrod
Lin Rountree
Ragan Whiteside

Saturday, August 31

The Braxton Brothers
Marion Meadows and Alex Bugnon
Samara Joy

Sunday, September 1

Brian Culbertson

Hotels Near The Lowcountry Jazz Festival

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