Morris Island Lighthouse

Morris Island Lighthouse

The Morris Island Lighthouse is located on the southern side of the entrance to Charleston Harbor. The current lighthouse was constructed in 1876, after the previous lighthouse was destroyed by Confederate Troops during the Civil War. The lighthouse stands 161 ft. high, with 201 steps leading to the top. When the lighthouse was originally constructed, it was 1200 ft. on shore, but the construction of jetties to protect the shipping lanes into Charleston Harbor caused rapid erosion of Morris Island. By 1938, the shoreline had reached the lighthouse, and it was no longer safe to keep it manned, so the lighthouse was upgraded and automated. In 1962, the Morris Island Lighthouse was decommissioned and replaced by the Sullivan’s Island Lighthouse at the north end of Charleston Harbor. Hurricane Hugo struck Charleston in 1989, destroying the remaining buildings around the lighthouse. In 2000, the lighthouse was transferred to the State of South Carolina and leased to Save The Light, Inc. for 99 years. The group raises money to stabilize, control erosion, and restore the lighthouse. 

Morris Island Lighthouse Photos

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Morris Island Lighthouse
Morris Island Lighthouse
Morris Island Lighthouse
Morris Island Lighthouse

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Morris Island Lighthouse
Morris Island Lighthouse
Morris Island Lighthouse
Morris Island Lighthouse

Morris Island Address and Map

Morris Island Lighthouse
1750 E Ashley Ave
Folly Beach SC 29439

Insider's Tip on Viewing the Morris
Island Lighthouse

The best time and place to view the Morris Island Lighthouse is at low tide from the northeast end of Folly Island at the Lighthouse Inlet Heritage Preserve. Please be advised that dogs are not allowed in the preserve. 

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