Museum at Market Hall

Museum at Market Hall

The Museum at Market Hall, located upstairs in the historic Charleston City Market, houses many Confederate soldiers' war-time possessions donated at the end of the Civil War, including uniforms, flags, swords, diaries, and cannons.

Thousands of young men were flooding into Charleston in the spring of 1861 to sign up with the Confederacy to defend the South.

These young men reported to the Confederate recruiting station in Market Hall, and were given supplies, weapons, and orders. 

In 1894, the Charleston Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy was founded. The group began collecting artifacts from the war. Five years later, the United Confederate Veterans reunion was held in Charleston. The group decided to help the ladies form a permanent Confederate Museum in Charleston. The former soldiers were asked to bring their war-time possessions to the reunion for donation to the museum. The same building where these young men had gone to become soldiers became the place they brought their relics to be preserved for the future. The museum opened its doors to the public in 1899.  

Metered street parking is available around the historic Charleston City Market. 

Museum at Market Hall Photos

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Confederate Museum Charleston
Confederate Museum Charleston
Confederate Museum Charleston
Confederate Museum Charleston

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Confederate Museum Charleston
Confederate Museum Charleston
Confederate Museum Charleston
Confederate Museum Charleston

Museum at Market Hall
Hours and Admission

Thursday -  Saturday 11 am - 4 pm

Adults (13+) $7
Child (6-12) $3
Children 5 and under Free

Museum at Market Hall Address and Map

Museum at Market Hall
188 Meeting St
Charleston SC 29401
(843) 723-1541
Museum at Market Hall

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