Nathaniel-Russell House 

Nathaniel-Russell House

The Nathaniel-Russell House was built in 1808 by Nathaniel Russell, one of Charleston’s wealthiest merchants. The antebellum townhouse is located in downtown Charleston, a few blocks from the Battery. The Historic Charleston Foundation purchased the National Historic Landmark in 1955. The Foundation began restoring the house in 1995, and the interior now reflects the way it looked in the early 1800’s furnished with fine and decorative arts from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The house is best known for its “free-flying” staircase, which spirals up three stories with no visible supports. When you visit, you will learn about the Russell family and the enslaved African Americans responsible for maintaining this antebellum townhouse. An exhibition in the original kitchen displays artifacts found during an archeological dig on the site. After touring the house and kitchen, take a stroll through the formal gardens. Combo tickets can be purchased for the Aiken-Rhett House and the Nathaniel Russell House. Allow 2 hours to tour the house, kitchen, and gardens.

Nathaniel-Russell House Photos

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Nathaniel-Russell House
Nathaniel-Russell House
Nathaniel-Russell House
Nathaniel-Russell House
Nathaniel-Russell House
Nathaniel-Russell House
Nathaniel-Russell House
Nathaniel-Russell House

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Nathaniel-Russell House
Nathaniel-Russell House
Nathaniel-Russell House
Nathaniel-Russell House
Nathaniel-Russell House
Nathaniel-Russell House
Nathaniel-Russell House
Nathaniel-Russell House

Nathaniel-Russell House Hours and Admission

Open Daily 10 am - 5 pm
Last tour begins at 4 pm

Nathaniel-Russell House Admission:
Adults (17+) $15
Child (6-16) $7
Children under 6 Free

Combo Admission for Aiken-Rhett House and 
Nathaniel Russell House
Adult combos $24
Child 6-16 combos $12

Nathaniel-Russell House Address and Map

Nathaniel-Russell House
51 Meeting St
Charleston SC 29401
(843) 723-1623
Nathaniel-Russell House Website

Current and Upcoming Events
at the Nathaniel-Russell House

No Events Currently Scheduled.

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