Old Slave Mart Museum

Old Slave Mart Museum

The United States Constitution had a provision that banned the import of African slaves after 1808. Since slaves could no longer be brought in, a domestic slave trading system was organized, and Charleston was a major slave collecting and reselling center. The Old Slave Mart Museum is likely the only building still in existence in South Carolina used for slave auctioning. The current structure was once part of a complex of buildings known as Ryan's Mart. The complex had a brick wall enclosed yard, a four-story building that contained a "barracoon" or slave jail, a kitchen and a morgue.

The museum has photos, artifacts, and interactive exhibits that recount Charleston’s role in this interstate slave trade. The museum is located on a cobblestone street a few blocks from the battery. It normally takes about an hour to tour the museum, depending on the crowds. On-street metered parking is available, and several public parking decks that charge a fee are within walking distance.

Old Slave Mart Museum Photos

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Old Slave Mart Museum
Old Slave Mart Museum
Old Slave Mart Museum
Old Slave Mart Museum

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Old Slave Mart Museum
Old Slave Mart Museum
Old Slave Mart Museum
Old Slave Mart Museum

Old Slave Mart Museum Hours and Admission

Open Monday - Saturday 9 am - 5 pm
Closed Thanksgiving Day, Christmas
Day, and New Year's Day

Adults (18+) $8
Child (5-17) $5
Children under 5 Free

Old Slave Mart Address and Map

Old Slave Mart Museum
6 Chalmers St
Charleston SC 29401
(843) 958-6467
Old Slave Mart Website

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