Sweetgrass Cultural Arts Festival 

Sweetgrass Cultural Arts Festival

The annual Sweetgrass Festival in Mount Pleasant is designed to promote and bring attention to the contributions of the Gullah Geechee people’s history, culture, traditions and their sweetgrass basket art form that originated in Mount Pleasant and continues to exist in our town and surrounding communities today.

Offering free admission, entertainment and activities, the Sweetgrass Festival also provides an opportunity for local basket makers to showcase, promote and market their sweetgrass merchandise to locals as well as cultural tourists from around the country.

Additionally, the Sweetgrass Festival provides an opportunity for engagement, interaction and exposure to the Gullah Geechee people’s cultures.  Informative and interesting educational sessions will enlighten and entertain participants of all ages.

Stroll through the Sweetgrass Basket & Craft Show, where you will find an amazing assortment of incredible basketry, along with a wide variety of hand-made arts, crafts and jewelry. You’re sure to find plenty of unique Lowcountry creations that make great gifts for yourself and your loved ones!

Sweetgrass Cultural Arts Festival Photos

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Sweetgrass Cultural Arts Festival
Sweetgrass Cultural Arts Festival
Sweetgrass Cultural Arts Festival
Sweetgrass Cultural Arts Festival

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Sweetgrass Cultural Arts Festival
Sweetgrass Cultural Arts Festival
Sweetgrass Cultural Arts Festival
Sweetgrass Cultural Arts Festival

Sweetgrass Cultural Arts Festival 
Location and Map

Sweetgrass Cultural Arts Festival
Mount Pleasant Memorial Waterfront Park
99 Harry M. Hallman Jr. Blvd

Mount Pleasant SC 29464
Sweetgrass Festival Website

Sweetgrass Cultural Arts Festival Date and Time

Date: Saturday July 27, 2024 
Time: 10 am - 3 pm
Admission: Free

Schedule of Events

2022 Stage Performance Schedule:
(Just a little teaser for what you can expect in 2023!)

10:00 Mount Pleasant Mayor Will Haynie Opens Festival
MPFD Honor Guard
National Anthem – Rose Di Mambro-Dillon
10:05 The Plantation Singers
10:30 Bruce Ingram
11:00 Brian Burchfield
11:30 Island Duo Steel Drum Band
12:00 Honey Bea’s Production
12:30 Deacon Abraham Heyward & the Mighty Rushing Wind
12:45 Jessica Berry
1:15 Wendell Culbreath “The Dubber”
2:30 Wona Womalan West African
Drum & Dance Ensemble

Cooper River Room Schedule:

All Day
Slave Artifact Display; George Bryant
Historical Reenactments with Bruce Ingram

10:30 Heirs Property Discussion
11:30 Sweetgrass Basket Making Demonstration
12:30 Gulllah Storytelling – Glander Pressley
1:30 Sweetgrass Basket Making Demonstration
2:30 Heirs Property Discussion

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