Williams Mansion 

Williams Mansion Charleston

The Williams Mansion was built in 1876 and has been called one of the greatest post-Civil War houses on the Eastern Seaboard. The Williams Mansion is the largest single family residence in Charleston. It has 35 rooms, a grand ballroom, Japanese water garden, 23 period fireplaces, 75 foot high domed stair hall ceiling, koi ponds, private elevator, a music room with a 45 foot covered glass skylight, and three levels of piazzas. Before you tour this house, please be advised that this is a private residence and the entire house is not included in the regular tour. Allow about 30 minutes to tour the house. Tickets may be purchased the day of the tour in the Museum shop which is located up the rear stairs to the Mansion. A grand tour is offered for $75 and it includes the entire mansion but you must make reservations in advance.

Williams Mansion Photos

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Williams Mansion Charleston
Williams Mansion Charleston
Williams Mansion Charleston
Williams Mansion Charleston
Williams Mansion Charleston
Williams Mansion Charleston
Williams Mansion Charleston
Williams Mansion Charleston

Click Photos to Enlarge

Williams Mansion Charleston
Williams Mansion Charleston
Williams Mansion Charleston
Williams Mansion Charleston
Williams Mansion Charleston
Williams Mansion Charleston
Williams Mansion Charleston
Williams Mansion Charleston

Williams Mansion Hours and Admission

Dec, Jan, Feb: 11 am - 4:30 pm Daily
Mar–Nov 30th. 11 am - 5:00 pm Daily

Closed Thanksgiving and Christmas Day

Scheduled Tours range from 25 to 35
min. Tours start at 11:00 AM and are
held on the hour and half hour with
the last tour starting at 5:00 PM.

Adults (12+) $17
Children 11 and under Free

The New Grand Tour is an hour and half long. It covers the entire Mansion, including the Italianate tower. It is offered with reservations made either online or by phone. Admission is $75.00 per person.

Williams Mansion Address and Map

Williams Mansion
16 Meeting St
Charleston SC 29401
(843) 722-8205
Williams Mansion Website

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