Angel Oak Park 

Angel Oak Park

The famous Angel Oak Tree is located in Angel Oak Park on John’s Island, about 12 miles from downtown Charleston. This massive Oak Tree is believed to be around 400 years old. The tree is not exceptionally tall, but the vast limbs that stretch out produce shade that covers about 17,000 sq. ft. The tree, named after the estate on which it stood, once belonged on the property of Justus Angel and his wife Martha Waight Tucker Angel. According to local folklore, the ghosts of slaves appearing around the tree as angels at night began to grow and so the tree became known as “Angel.”This tree has survived countless hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes over the years. Admission to Angel Oak Park is free, but donations are always welcome to help with preservation. The park has picnic areas for people to enjoy during their visit, as well as a gift shop.

Angel Oak Park Photos

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Angel Oak Park
Angel Oak Park
Angel Oak Park
Angel Oak Park
Angel Oak Park
Angel Oak Park
Angel Oak Park
Angel Oak Park

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Angel Oak Park
Angel Oak Park
Angel Oak Park
Angel Oak Park
Angel Oak Park
Angel Oak Park
Angel Oak Park
Angel Oak Park

Angel Oak Park Hours and Admission

Open Mon. - Sat. 9 am - 5 pm
Sunday 1 pm - 5 pm
Gift Shop Closes at 4:30 pm 


Angel Oak Park Address and Map

Angel Oak Park
3688 Angel Oak Rd
Johns Island SC 29455
(843) 559-3496
Angel Oak Park Website

Features and Amenities of Angel Oak Park

  • Free Parking
  • Gift Shop
  • Picnic Tables
  • Public Restrooms

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