Charles Pinckney National Historic Site 

Charles Pinckney National Historic Site

The Charles Pinckney National Historic Site is located on 28 acres of land previously called Snee Farms. Snee Farms was a 715-acre rice and indigo plantation that Pinckney inherited from his father in 1782. Charles Pinckney was a principal author and signer of the United States Constitution and a four term Governor of South Carolina. None of the original structures remain from when Pinckney lived on Snee Farms. The site is currently home to an 1828 Lowcountry coastal cottage that serves as a museum and visitor center. The Park grounds boast ornamental gardens and towering canopies of live oak and Spanish moss. Exhibits tell the story of Charles Pinckney and his contributions to the U.S. Constitution, of the United States as a young and emerging nation, and of 18th century plantation life for free and enslaved people of Snee Farms. Visitors can enjoy films, exhibits, archaeology displays, and nature trail. Admission is free and you should allow about an hour to view the exhibits and walk on the trail.

Charles Pinckney National Historic Site Photos

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Charles Pinckney National Historic Site
Charles Pinckney National Historic Site
Charles Pinckney National Historic Site
Charles Pinckney National Historic Site
Charles Pinckney National Historic Site
Charles Pinckney National Historic Site
Charles Pinckney National Historic Site
Charles Pinckney National Historic Site

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Charles Pinckney National Historic Site
Charles Pinckney National Historic Site
Charles Pinckney National Historic Site
Charles Pinckney National Historic Site
Charles Pinckney National Historic Site
Charles Pinckney National Historic Site
Charles Pinckney National Historic Site
Charles Pinckney National Historic Site

Charles Pinckney National Historic Site
Hours and Admission

House: Friday - Sunday 9 am - 5 pm
Grounds and Restrooms: Wed. - Sun. 
9 am - 5 pm


Charles Pinckney National Historic
Site Address and Map

Charles Pinckney National
Historic Site

1254 Long Point Rd
Mount Pleasant SC 29464
(843) 881-5516
Charles Pinckney National Historic Site Website

Current and Upcoming Events at the Charles Pinckney National Historic Site

No events currently scheduled.

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National Historic Site

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