Cypress Gardens SC

Cypress Gardens SC

Cypress Gardens SC, a 175-acre swamp garden, is located about 30 minutes from downtown Charleston in Moncks Corner. The gardens were originally a freshwater reserve for the nearby rice plantation, Dean Hall. Visitors can enjoy the Butterfly House and observe the different stages of a butterfly's life cycle, or visit the Swamparium, where large tanks feature fish, amphibians and reptiles native to the South Carolina Lowcountry. Visitors can also rent a swamp boat to paddle along a marked trail, possibly spotting alligators, birds and turtles, or take a stroll along the 3.5 miles of walking trails that loop through the swamp and gardens. These amazing gardens were used in several movies, including scenes from The Notebook, Cold Mountain and The Patriot. 

Cypress Gardens SC Photos

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Cypress Gardens SC
Cypress Gardens SC
Cypress Gardens SC
Cypress Gardens SC
Cypress Gardens SC
Cypress Gardens SC
Cypress Gardens SC
Cypress Gardens SC

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Cypress Gardens SC
Cypress Gardens SC
Cypress Gardens SC
Cypress Gardens SC
Cypress Gardens SC
Cypress Gardens SC
Cypress Gardens SC
Cypress Gardens SC

Cypress Gardens SC Address and Map

Cypress Gardens SC
3030 Cypress Gardens Rd
Moncks Corner SC 29461
(843) 553-0515
Cypress Gardens Website

Cypress Gardens SC Hours and Admission

Open Daily 9 am - 5 pm
Closed Thanksgiving Day,
Christmas Eve, Christmas Day
and New Years Day

Gen. Admission (18+) $10
Seniors (65+) $6.50

Please be advised that pets are no longer allowed from March - October.

What's Blooming and Flying in November?

Average temperatures range from 20 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • Peak Camellia bloom.
  • Alligators may occasionally be seen on sunny days.
  • Warm, rainy nights bring choruses from the Spring Peeper and Southern Chorus frogs.
  • Brown Creepers and the Orange-crowned Warbler are highlights to see.
  • Sunny days may bring the Cloudless Sulfur Butterfly.
  • A River Otter may be seen playing in the swamp and winter-nesting Bald Eagles are often sighted overhead.

Events at Cypress Gardens SC

What: Torch Lit Boats
When: Nov. 8, 2024
Time: 6 pm
Where: Cypress Gardens
Admission: Join us for a boat ride under the night stars guided by torches.

What: Berkeley County Free Day
When: Nov. 16, 2024
Time: 9 am - 5 pm
Where: Cypress Gardens
Admission: Free for Berkeley County Residents - Photo ID required 

Hotels Near Cypress Gardens SC

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