Circular Congregational Church 

Circular Congregational Church

The current Circular Congregational Church is the third structure on the site. The church was organized in 1681 by English Congregationalists, Scots Presbyterians and French Huguenots who were seeking religious freedom. The first church erected on the site was known as the White Meeting House, for which Meeting Street was named. The church’s congregation was growing quickly, so the original church was replaced by a larger circular structure in 1806. The second church was severely damaged by the Great Charleston Fire of 1861 and then leveled by the 1886 Charleston earthquake. Services were held in the much smaller parish house until a new church could be built. The current Romanesque church, completed circa 1892, was constructed using bricks from the previous structure. The church's graveyard is the city's oldest burial ground, with one monument remaining from 1695.

Circular Congregational Church Photos

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Circular Congregational Church
Circular Congregational Church
Circular Congregational Church
Circular Congregational Church

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Circular Congregational Church
Circular Congregational Church
Circular Congregational Church
Circular Congregational Church

Circular Congregational Church Address and Map

Circular Congregational Church
150 Meeting St
Charleston SC 29401
(843) 577-6400
Circular Congregational Church

Circular Congregational Church
 Worship Schedule

During the School Year: 
Sundays: 8:30 am and 11:00 am
From Memorial Day to Labor Day:
Sunday: 10:00 am

Special Worship Services are also held on the following:

  • Ash Wednesday 
  • Good Friday
  • Christmas Eve

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