Cathedral of St. John the Baptist Charleston

Cathedral of St John the Baptist Charleston

Bishop John England, the first Bishop of Charleston, purchased a plot of land on the corner of Broad and Legare (originally Friend) in 1821. Later that same year, the original dwelling house on the lot was blessed as a temporary chapel to be used by the congregation, while a larger cathedral was being constructed. Construction of the first cathedral on the present site started in 1850 and was completed in 1854, but the structure was destroyed by the Great Charleston Fire of 1861. Fundraising for a new cathedral began immediately and the cornerstone for the present Cathedral of St. John the Baptist was laid in January of 1890. The cathedral was consecrated in 1907, but due to lack of funds, the spire in the original plans for the Gothic Cathedral would not be added for 103 years. On March 8, 2010, hundreds of people gathered on the Cathedral lawn to watch as Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone blessed the spire from a scissor lift before it was raised skyward onto the top of the cathedral. Notable features include unique stained glass windows including the Papal coat of arms and the seal of the state of South Carolina, two-light windows in the nave representing the Life of Christ from His Nativity to the Ascension and above the high altar is a five-light window copied from Leonardo DaVinci’s “Last Supper.” The rose window above it is the Baptism of Jesus by St. John the Baptist and in the clerestory of the sanctuary are windows honoring the four evangelists. 

Cathedral of St. John the Baptist Charleston Photos

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Cathedral of St John the Baptist Charleston
Cathedral of St John the Baptist Charleston
Cathedral of St John the Baptist Charleston
Cathedral of St John the Baptist Charleston
Cathedral of St John the Baptist Charleston

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Cathedral of St John the Baptist Charleston
Cathedral of St John the Baptist Charleston
Cathedral of St John the Baptist Charleston
Cathedral of St John the Baptist Charleston
Cathedral of St John the Baptist Charleston

Cathedral of St. John the
Baptist Charleston Address and Map

Cathedral of St. John the Baptist Charleston
120 Broad St
Charleston SC 29401
(843) 724-8395
Cathedral of St. John the Baptist Charleston

Cathedral of St. John the
Baptist Mass Schedule

Daily Mass Schedule : 

Daily Mass: 9 am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday ; 12 pm on Tuesdays & Thursdays
Saturday: Vigil Mass 5:30 p.m.
Sunday: Family Mass 9:00 a.m., Solemn Mass with Choir 11:15 a.m.

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St. John the Baptist Charleston

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