First Baptist Church Charleston 

First Baptist Church Charleston

First Baptist Church is the oldest Baptist church in the South. The church originated in Kittery, Maine in 1682, under the leadership of William Screven. Due to religious persecution, 28 congregants and Screven relocated to Charleston in 1696. The current Greek Revival church, designed by the first American born architect Robert Mills, was built in 1822. The church replaced an earlier meeting house built in the early 1700’s. Since being built, the church has been severely damaged by war, a tropical cyclone and an earthquake, but was repaired and restored each time. Notable features include a solid mahogany pulpit and a Wicks pipe organ with all pipes exposed. 

First Baptist Church Charleston Photos

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First Baptist Church Charleston
First Baptist Church Charleston
First Baptist Church Charleston

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First Baptist Church Charleston
First Baptist Church Charleston
First Baptist Church Charleston

First Baptist Church Charleston Address and Map

First Baptist Church Charleston
61 Church St
Charleston SC 29401
(843) 722-3896
First Baptist Church Charleston

First Baptist Church Charleston 
Worship Schedule

Sunday School: 9:15 am
Worship:10:30 am 

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