St. Philip's Church Charleston 

St. Philip's Church Charleston

St. Philip’s Church in Charleston is the third building to house the congregation, formed by Charles Town colonists. The first church, built in 1681, was a small wooden building located at the present site of St. Michaels Episcopal Church. In the early 1700’s, the congregation built a second brick church at the site of the current church, but it completely burnt to the ground in 1835. The current St. Philip's was constructed from 1835 to 1838 by architect Joseph Hyde, while the steeple, designed by E.B. White, was added a decade later.

Many prominent people are buried in the graveyard, including several colonial governors, five Episcopal bishops, and a former Vice President of the United States. The view of Church Street, punctuated by St. Philip's, remains one of Charleston's most photographed spots. Notable features include three separate Tuscan porticoes, Roman columns and entablatures to the interior, as well as high Corinthian arcades and a chancel. 

St. Philip's Church Charleston Photos

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St. Philip's Church Charleston
St. Philip's Church Charleston
St. Philip's Church Charleston
St. Philip's Church Charleston
St. Philip's Church Charleston

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St. Philip's Church Charleston
St. Philip's Church Charleston
St. Philip's Church Charleston
St. Philip's Church Charleston
St. Philip's Church Charleston

St. Philip's Church Charleston Address and Map

St. Philip's Church Charleston
142 Church St
Charleston SC 29401
(843) 722-7734
St. Philip's Church Charleston

St. Philip's Church Charleston 
Worship Schedule

8:15 am - Holy Communion, Rite One (spoken)
9:15 am - Christian Education for all ages (adults, youth) on summer recess
10:30 am - Principal Worship Service
Holy Communion on the first, third, and fifth Sundays and Morning Prayer on the second and fourth Sundays

8:00 am - Morning Prayer, 1928 Book of Common Prayer (Chapel)
5:30 pm - Wednesdays Alive(contemporary communion service)mid-September through June

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