St. Matthew's Lutheran Church Charleston

St. Matthew's Lutheran Church Charleston

St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church Charleston was built in 1872, after the German-speaking Lutherans outgrew their original church.  Local architect John Henry Deveraux designed the Gothic Revival church. The church’s 297-foot steeple once made it the tallest building in South Carolina, and it continues to have the tallest spire. In 1965, a fire destroyed much of the interior of the church and steeple, which crashed into King Street. The damaged portions of the church were carefully restored, except for the finial on the steeple, which was too expensive to replace. Original features include the stained glass windows in the apse and under the balcony, as well as the pulpit.

St. Matthew's Lutheran Church Charleston Photos

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St. Matthew's Lutheran Church Charleston
St. Matthew's Lutheran Church Charleston
St. Matthew's Lutheran Church Charleston

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St. Matthew's Lutheran Church Charleston
St. Matthew's Lutheran Church Charleston
St. Matthew's Lutheran Church Charleston

St. Matthew's Lutheran Church Charleston
Address and Map

St. Matthew's Lutheran Church Charleston
405 King St
Charleston SC 29403
(843) 723-1611
St. Matthew's Lutheran Church Charleston

St. Matthew's Lutheran Church Charleston 
 Worship Schedule

10 am - Unity Worship Service of Holy Communion

Noon prayer service

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