Old Bethel United Methodist Church 

Old Bethel United Methodist Church

Old Bethel United Methodist Church, built in 1798, was originally located at 55 Pitt St. The congregation of Old Bethel included whites, free blacks and slaves, but in 1834 the church became divided over whether blacks were restricted to sitting in the galleries. Six years later, the black members seceded to form their own congregation, and in 1852 the original church was moved to the back of the lot to be used by the black congregation. A new church named Bethel Methodist was built to serve the white congregation. In 1880, Old Bethel was given to the black congregation and moved across Calhoun Street to its current location. Old Bethel currently serves a black congregation, which includes descendants of the 1880 congregation, and is the third oldest church building surviving in Charleston. Notable features include a gabled portico supported by four fluted Corinthian columns and a pressed metal ceiling. 

Old Bethel United Methodist Church Charleston Photos

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Old Bethel United Methodist Church Charleston
Old Bethel United Methodist Church Charleston
Old Bethel United Methodist Church Charleston

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Old Bethel United Methodist Church Charleston
Old Bethel United Methodist Church Charleston
Old Bethel United Methodist Church Charleston

Old Bethel United Methodist Church
Charleston Address and Map

Old Bethel United Methodist Church
222 Calhoun St
Charleston SC 29401
(843) 722-3470
Old Bethel Methodist Church Website

Old Bethel United Methodist Church
Charleston Worship Schedule

10:00 am 

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