Unitarian Church Charleston 

Unitarian Church Charleston

The Unitarian Church in Charleston is the oldest Unitarian church in the South and the second oldest church in downtown Charleston. Construction began in 1722, and was interrupted by the Revolutionary War, which was completed in 1787. As the congregation of the Circular Congregational Church was growing, a second church was needed. In 1817, the Archdale congregation was chartered as the Second Independent Church, with a Unitarian minister presiding. In 1839, the congregation was rechartered as Unitarian. Notable features include the crenellated tower, arched windows, stained glass panels, and Tudor arch entrance.

Unitarian Church Charleston Photos

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Unitarian Church Charleston
Unitarian Church Charleston
Unitarian Church Charleston

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Unitarian Church Charleston
Unitarian Church Charleston
Unitarian Church Charleston

Unitarian Church Charleston Address and Map

Unitarian Church Charleston
4 Archdale St

Charleston SC 29401
(843) 723-4617
Unitarian Church Charleston

Unitarian Church Charleston 
Worship Schedule

11 am (10 am June - August)

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