French Huguenot Church 

French Huguenot Church Charleston

The current French Huguenot Church, dedicated in 1845, is the third church on the site. The original church was destroyed to stop the spread of fire, and the second church built in 1800 was dismantled 44 years later to make room for the current church. The current church is the oldest Greek Revival Church in South Carolina. Shellfire damaged the church during the Civil War, and the 1886 Charleston earthquake nearly demolished it. In 1845, the church also purchased and installed a tracker organ carved in the style and shape of a Gothic chapel. After the war between the states ended in 1865, federal soldiers dismantled the organ and were loading it on a ship bound for New York when the pleas of the organist, Mr. T. P. O'Neale, and some influential friends saved it. This is the only remaining independent Huguenot Church in America.  Notable features include stucco over brick ornamented with windows, buttresses, and decorative details.

French Huguenot Church Photos

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French Huguenot Church Charleston
French Huguenot Church Charleston
French Huguenot Church Charleston

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French Huguenot Church Charleston
French Huguenot Church Charleston
French Huguenot Church Charleston

French Huguenot Church Address and Map

French Huguenot Church
136 Church St

Charleston SC 29401
(843) 722-3474
French Huguenot Church

French Huguenot Church Worship Schedule

10:30 am

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