Bethel United Methodist
Church Charleston

Bethel United Methodist Church Charleston

Bethel United Methodist Church Charleston, dedicated in 1853, is the second church on the site. The original church, Old Bethel, was moved to the back of the lot. It was later sold to a black Congregation and moved to Calhoun Street. The current Greek Revival structure designed by E. Curtis not only survived the Civil War, but was also the only Methodist church in Charleston to remain open during the war. Following the Civil War and Reconstruction, the church underwent extensive renovations. During the renovation, the earthquake of 1886 rocked Charleston, causing only minor damage to the church. Notable features of the church include galleries supported by Doric columns, stained glass windows, and stenciling on the interior walls. 

Bethel United Methodist Church Charleston Photos

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Bethel United Methodist Church Charleston
Bethel United Methodist Church Charleston
Bethel United Methodist Church Charleston

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Bethel United Methodist Church Charleston
Bethel United Methodist Church Charleston
Bethel United Methodist Church Charleston

Bethel United Methodist Church
Charleston Address and Map

Bethel United Methodist Church
57 Pitt St
Charleston SC 29401
(843) 723-4587
Bethel Methodist Church Website

Bethel United Methodist Church
Charleston Worship Schedule

9:00 am and 11:15 am

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Church Charleston

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