Saint Mary of the Annunciation Catholic Church Charleston 

Saint Mary of the Annunciation Catholic Church Charleston

Saint Mary of the Annunciation Catholic Church in Charleston is the first Roman Catholic parish in the Carolinas and Georgia. It is also the mother church of the dioceses of South Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia. The current church, the third structure on the site, was built in 1839. The property and the original building were purchased in 1789. A brick church replaced the original structure that burned in the Charleston fire in 1838. The church graveyard, on each side and to the rear of the church, contains names predominantly Irish, French, Spanish and Scot. Notable features include four Doric columns that support a large entablature, stained glass windows imported from Munich, and a painting of the Crucifixion by John S. Cogdell.

Saint Mary of the Annunciation Catholic
Church Charleston Photos

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Saint Mary of the Annunciation Catholic Church Charleston
Saint Mary of the Annunciation Catholic Church Charleston
Saint Mary of the Annunciation Catholic Church Charleston

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Saint Mary of the Annunciation Catholic Church Charleston
Saint Mary of the Annunciation Catholic Church Charleston
Saint Mary of the Annunciation Catholic Church Charleston

Saint Mary of the Annunciation Catholic Church Charleston Address and Map

Saint Mary of the Annunciation Catholic Church Charleston
95 Hasell St
Charleston SC 29401

(843) 722-7696
Saint Mary of the Annunciation Catholic Church Charleston

Saint Mary of the Annunciation Catholic Church Charleston Worship Schedule

9:00 a.m. according to the Roman Missal.
11:00 a.m. according to the Book of Divine Worship by the Corpus Christi Catholic Community, the Anglican Tradition in the Catholic Church.

Daily Mass Times
Monday - Saturday at 8:00 a.m. (*Wednesday and *Thursday)
*Wednesday and Thursday 
Mass is celebrated by the Corpus Christi Catholic Community of the Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter.

First Fridays:
10:00 a.m.*
*Friday Mass is celebrated by the Corpus Christi Catholic Community of the Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter.

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