Mace Brown Museum of Natural History 

Mace Brown Museum of Natural History

The Mace Brown Museum of Natural History, located in the Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences on the College of Charleston campus, is home to almost 1,000 fossils. The displays include: dinosaur bones, crinoids, Oligocene mammals of North America, mosasaurs, cave bears, Pleistocene mammals of the Carolinas, ocean life through time and fossil plants. A favorite exhibit for many is the reconstructed jaw, which houses real teeth from the giant extinct shark Megalodon. The museum is open to the public and is manned by geology undergraduates who work as student docents. Admission is free, but donations are welcome. Visitors are also asked to remember that classes take place immediately next door to the museum, so please be respectful and remain as quiet as possible.

Mace Brown Museum of Natural History Photos

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Mace Brown Museum of Natural History
Mace Brown Museum of Natural History
Mace Brown Museum of Natural History
Mace Brown Museum of Natural History
Mace Brown Museum of Natural History
Mace Brown Museum of Natural History
Mace Brown Museum of Natural History
Mace Brown Museum of Natural History

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Mace Brown Museum of Natural History
Mace Brown Museum of Natural History
Mace Brown Museum of Natural History
Mace Brown Museum of Natural History
Mace Brown Museum of Natural History
Mace Brown Museum of Natural History
Mace Brown Museum of Natural History
Mace Brown Museum of Natural History

Mace Brown Museum of Natural
History Hours and Admission

Mon. - Sun.  11 am - 4 pm
Closed On Wednesdays

Free but donations are welcome

Mace Brown Museum of
Natural History Address and Map

Mace Brown Museum of Natural History
202 Calhoun St
Charleston SC 29401
(843) 953-5589
Mace Brown Museum Website

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Museum of Natural History

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